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Learning Center

Full Academic Support For Every Student

It's a simple idea that takes effort and care:  All students have the ability to achieve academic excellence.  Our learning center students are given full homework assistance, academic coaching, and supplemental instruction (if needed).

1.  Full homework assistance - students are not only supervised during homework time.  Every answer of every assignment is checked by our staff.  If there are wrong answers, our counselors review any errors and the lesson concepts. That way, students learn to find the solution for themselves, rather than just being given the right answer.

2.  Academic Coaching - To achieve mastery in any area, we need a good coach.  Our academic coaches provide positive feedback, and push students to improve the speed, accuracy, organization, and overall proficiency of their work.

3.  Supplemental Instruction - Students who are behind academically are given an individualized supplemental plan to strengthen weak areas, and give students confidence in school.  We specialize in bringing struggling students up to and past their current grade level, while fostering a love of learning.


We would love the opportunity to work with your child.  Make an appointment to tour our facility and meet our dedicated staff.  License # 197750054

All Programs Welcomed and Accepted

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